Monday, February 18, 2008

Still talking about...

....the website for English Grammar 101. The link above will not be sufficient to get one specifically where I would like them to go. (!) As the link is deeply embedded in the U of T site, and I cannot figure out how to get the address directly - try this instead:
Hi - I am not happy with the web site that I gave to accompany the English Grammar 101 site. It is deeply embedded with the U of T Adaptive Technology Resource Centre and (speaking of being frustrated with technology!) I cannot figure out its website directly.
then - online resources
then - External resources
scroll down page to Resources for people with Learning Disabilities (2nd from bottom)
then scroll to Grammatical Support Tools
then find English Grammar 101 on-line learning and quizzes....
It is worth the effort to locate this!

Don't miss this!

Fabulous! Did you think English Grammar was a lost skill????

Well, you would likely be right! However, this is one site that is fighting back! If you are at all interested in your ability to communicate, you must check this out. Share it with your students. Share it with other adults who (sadly) realize that their grammar and writing skills have slipped....

The on-line quizzes are immediate in their feedback. The lessons at the top of the page are very brief, and not always simple to understand. The examples however add to understanding of the learning goal.


Hi! This is for you. I can no longer access your BLOG - but perhaps you planned it that way. I was thrilled to see your contact this month however. Let me know how I can say hi! I am working my way through Special Ed 3. I let my Library Wikki slip for a bit, but firing it back up again this week. Still reading Treasure Island with the G group.
Saw There will Be Blood Tonight and that certainly gives one food for thought. I noticed that it is based on a novel by Upton Sinclair which was very surprising. I have read two of his short stories - The Lessee was one I believe. Very old language. I am also tackling Everlyn Waugh just now: A Handful of Dust. Love it!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My New Year - is it really February 2008?

Hello! I am back! I am thought about BLOGGING 1002 times and would be very disappointed in myself if I just let this go. I really like to BLOG. It is one of my favourite things to do...

This is my first post of 2008 and it is already February! Workshop today on School Success and it was very worthwhile. Oprah on in the background - that too is a first for 2008! I like those words precision and focus around teaching and learning; recent message from two workshops.
Snow Days this week and Open House and Workshops and time is just flying...