Friday, October 19, 2007

Reflecting on Blogging...

Do you capitalize the B?
It is somewhat addictive: to which my daughter (who knows nothing about the BLOG concept) informs me "that is what you don't get about MSN or Facebook!"
It really is fun. I can feel my librarian skills kicking in however - I am know thinking that my BLOG is not organized enough. I am also beginning to apply critical thinking and inquiry model thoughts: what is MY Big Picture? What questions am I attempting to address? How can I narrow my focus and go deep?
Reviewed another suggested BLOG of instructor and I saw amazing things. I like the concept of organizing BLOGS and links under one topic. I have to figure out how to Archive Blogs, so that items are not all over the map. Because my interests are all over the map...I am wondering if I can have folders, or sub topics with my links.
Isn't colour wonderful?
Aren't Saturdays the best?

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