Monday, December 3, 2007

Treasure Island

Bliss! I have begun reading Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island once again. I was all of thirteen the first time I read it - and likely only a few chapters here or there since. It is wonderful....
I am going to try to work with my Gifted group and read it together. I made a race out tonight and bought six copies - I am getting a start on the Group tonight. It is a fabulous story. It will be interesting to see the reaction of the Group as we begin. What will youth of ages 11, 12 and 13 make of this literature from many many decades ago?
I set up a Library Blog Wiki for the Group and was thrilled to see that two students have communicated their thoughts on Faithful Elephants that we shared last week. I gave one young fellow another copy of the URL tonight - to my query, he (honestly) replied that he had lost the sheet. Will have to track down the other two young fellows to see what song they will sing. (!!)
Shades of Treasure Island in my writing tonight...


J Martin said...

Hi Lorna,
I loved Treasure Island too! I often turn to favourite books when I am feeling stressed (even if I have read them a thousand times). Friends and relatives always ask me why I am rereading a book, why not start a new book...blah...blah. Well, sometimes I just yearn for the comfort of the past. Don't we all? Literature provides the most fantastic means of transport.

Your blog project sounds really interesting. I am pondering the use of blogs in my library, so please let me know how your blog works out.

Do you ever read some books over again? If so, which ones.
p.s. I adore your blog. Do you think you'll keep it up and running after the course finishes?

J Martin said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I still remember the very first book that I asked my mother to purchase for me. I was 3 years old and we were out grocery shopping. I spied a book called The Story of the Fourteen Bears. I had many books but this is the first book that I selected all by myself, so it had special meaning. I still have it (actually I've lovingly kept all my treasured books from childhood). I did pass a few on to my nieces and nephews though.

One book that I enjoy leafing through from time to time is Books of the Century, A Hundred Years of Authors, Ideas and Literature. It was edited by Charles McGrath and the staff of the New York Times Book Review Section. It includes interviews and essays too. In the original review of Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl, the reviewer referred to her as "froclisome little goat"! It is also interesting to see that literature fits the temper of the times, especially in the Western canon.
I'm glad you're going to keep your blog up and running. I always look forward to reading your comments. I might keep my blog going. I'd like to expand it a little.